Your card could not be saved, please try again or contact support.

When trying to pay an invoice or update your credit card on file, you receive the following error:

Your card could not be saved, please try again or contact support.

If you recently updated the address you have on file for this credit card with us via the client area due to an address change on the credit card, please open a ticket with the billing department. We will check with our card processor Stripe to make sure they have updated the address as well, in some cases we need to do this manually. Otherwise if you have NOT updated your address and do not need to update your address, read the following:

This error message is the result of a problem with your credit card or debit card and not with our merchant account. Please contact your credit/debit card's issuing bank to find the underlying problem. Mean Servers cannot assist with this error message as it is related to your card.

Possible reasons for this error message includes but may not be limited to:

-Insufficient Funds
-Wrong Address
-Wrong CVV2 Code
-Card Frozen
-Card Marked Stolen
-Card Not Activated

Please do not submit a support ticket, instead contact your bank to resolve the underlying problem. We cannot assist in anyway with this message.
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