Updating Account Information

To help combat fraud, Mean Servers has disabled the following fields in your client area:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State/Region
  • Postcode
  • Country
  • Phone Number

To update any of these disabled fields, please open a ticket in our Billing Department with the new updated information. It is extremely important to keep this information updated to prevent your payments from failing. We require the information on your payment method to match what you have on file with Mean Servers, failing to do so will cause payments to be declined and balances unpaid. If this information has changed, please contact us right away and we will happily update it for you.

These fields are disabled because they aren't changed that often and those attempting to pay with a stolen credit card or PayPal account may attempt multiple addresses and payment methods before the transaction is successful. By disabling these fields, it makes it more difficult for the criminal to be successful, preventing the theft of services and helping keep our prices lower since we do not need to offset much fraud.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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