cPanel Plans Being Discontinued

Due to cPanel's very large, unsustainable license price increase, Mean Servers has discontinued it's cPanel offerings with immediate affect. Clients will no longer be able to purchase cPanel web hosting or cPanel licenses for virtual private servers or dedicated servers. Clients on an existing cPanel web hosting plan will be migrated to ... Čtěte více »

2nd Srpen 2019
[Denver] CenturyLink Transit Now Online

Mean Servers is pleased to announce that our CenturyLink transit uplink in Denver has been turned up and is now added to our carrier mix. The connection consists of both IPv4 and IPv6 transit and we expect improved latency and speeds across different parts of our network. We hope that this network addition helps improve the connectivity and ... Čtěte více »

30čt Červenec 2019
DirectAdmin/cPanel Micro Plan Price Increase

Effective the next billing cycle, all clients on the cPanel Micro plan and DirectAdmin Micro plan will be subject to the new yearly fee of $19.99. This pricing takes effect for all invoices generated after May 14, 2018. Clients that are still in a contract will not be subjected to this new pricing increase until their renewal period. This price ... Čtěte více »

14čt Duben 2018
[VULNERABILITY] Memcached Exploit

A vulnerability exists in memcache that allows hackers to utilize the service to create an amplified DDoS attack. As of this writing there is NO PATCH available to fix this problem. The only way to ensure your memcache service cannot be used as part of this attack is to close port 11211 to outside your environment. Clients without managed services ... Čtěte více »

2nd Březen 2018
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