If you need assistance updating and patching your system, please open a ticket with the billing department. For the next 7 days, we will upgrade and patch your entire system for just $20, normal system update and patching price is $49. Mention this announcement to receive the discount, good until February 23, 2016 at midnight.
"The vulnerability (CVE 2015-7547), a stack-based buffer overflow in the getaddrinfo() function in the glibc DNS client-side resolver, has already been patched. Anyone using glibc 2.9 and later -- since 2.9 was released in May 2008, that means pretty much anyone using glibc -- should patch as soon as possible. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 has glibc 2.5, so it isn't vulnerable, but Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (glibc 2.12), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (glibc 2.17), Debian squeeze (glibc 2.11), Debian wheezy (glibc 2.13), and Debian jessie (glibc 2.19) are all affected." -Patch now! Unix bug puts Linux, Android, and iOS systems at risk, InfoWorld
Dienstag, Februar 16, 2016