DMCA Policy

If you believe a Mean Servers Limited customer is infringing upon your exclusive copyright...

If you have a good faith belief that material on a system or network controlled or operated by Mean Servers Limited is infringing upon your exclusive copyright please take the following steps:

1. Provide written notification to Mean Servers Limited's designated agent

(The notification must meet the requirements listed below.)

Designated Agent: Mean Servers General Counsel
E-mail: Click Here to use our Contact Form
Address: Saunders & Saunders
3000 East 112th Avenue Unit 94
Denver, CO 80233

Mean Servers Limited will:

2. If Mean Servers Limited sends you notice of the customer's counter notification, please send notice to Mean Servers Limited that you have filed an action seeking a court order to restrain the customer from engaging in the infringing activity.

Mean Servers Limited will, upon receipt of your notice of filing an action:


Please include all of the following information in your written notification to Mean Servers Limited's designated agent:

If you receive a Notice of Alleged Copyright Infringement...

Mean Servers Limited has received a notice that Mean Servers Limited's network, system(s), or shared server space assigned to your account contain material that is claimed to be infringing upon the exclusive copyright of the sender of that notice. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 United States Code § 512, Mean Servers Limited is required to respond expeditiously to remove the material that is claimed to be infringing.

Mean Servers Limited requests that, within 24 hours of receiving Mean Servers Limited's Notice of Alleged Copyright Infringement, you remove the allegedly infringing material and notify Mean Servers Limited that you have done so.

If you fail to remove the material and notify Mean Servers Limited that you have done so, Mean Servers Limited will disable access to the material or disable access to your account.


if you believe in good faith that the allegedly infringing material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled was done so by mistake or misidentification, please take the following steps:

1. Provide a written notification, called a counter notification, to Mean Servers Limited's designated agent as soon as possible.

The counter notification must meet the requirements listed below.

Designated Agent: Mean Servers General Counsel
E-mail: Click Here to use our Contact Form
Address: Saunders & Saunders
3000 East 112th Avenue Unit 94
Denver, CO 80233

Mean Servers Limited will:


Your written counter notification to Mean Servers Limited's designated agent must include all of the following information: