Most people came across DigitalOcean in one form or another searching for a tutorial regarding some specific function needed while developing their applications. They do have great tutorials as they do pay professionals about $200 an article, each article helps their position in search engine rankings. When someone is searching for a VPS DigitalOcean usually is one of the first companies to pop up because of all these articles. This is how people get suckered in and what most people don't realize is DigitalOcean is tailored specifically towards developers. not those running a production site.
Mean Servers is tailored to those running a production site, we guarantee 99.99% uptime availability backed by one of the best Service Level Agreements in the industry. Our Network Operation Center is staffed 24/7 by industry professionals, constantly monitoring all nodes and the network for any issues and taking immediate action if needed to prevent service disruptions. Here's a quick chart comparing Mean Servers versus DigitalOcean (current as of November 2015)
Feature | Mean Servers | DigitalOcean |
Guaranteed Uptime | 99.99% | No Guarantee |
Hardware Type | Enterprise | Consumer |
IP Addresses per VPS | Unlimited | Only 1 |
Offers Windows | Yes | No |
24/7 Technical Support | Paid Experts | Community Based |
Anycast IP Addresses | Included | Not Available |
Redundancy | Everything | Network Uplinks Only |
Clean IP Addresses | Always | Hit-or-Miss |
One of the biggest and most important factors when choosing a web host is their uptime and performance. Since DigitalOcean is tailored towards developers, their machines and networks receive a lot of abuse. The one thing you do not want are noisey and abusive VPS neighbors. Mean Servers actively monitors our networks and nodes for best performance. We take immediate action against those causing a disturbance on our network so that their actions do not affect others on the node or network. DigitalOcean can takes days, if not weeks to respond to abuse which may have greatly impacted your business by the time the problem is solved. Dropped packets, high latency, and general unavailability are common problems associated with DigitalOcean.
The most common complaints coming from clients migrating from DigitalOcean was packet loss, downtime, and the lack of proactive support. If you invest hundreds or even thousands of dollars in developing and then marketing your website, you need to be in a production environment, not a development environment. Go with Mean Servers where all clients are treated as if they are hosting mission critical websites. Less downtime, lower latency, money better spent. For a limited time, use coupon code AVOIDDIGITALOCEAN to have a $50.00 credit applied to you Mean Servers account after paying for your first month on any of our Unmanaged VPS or Enterprise Managed VPS plans!