Do you charge VAT to European residents?

As a provider of technological services, it is our duty to comply with all laws, both foreign and domestic, that may hamper the ability for us to do business in a certain region if we were not to comply, in this instance, it is taxes. Since the new VAT tax rules came into place on January 1, 2015, customers residing in the European Union must be charged VAT as determined by their billing address. Since VAT rates vary greatly within the European Union, we cannot include VAT on prices displayed on our website and must instead calculate the true total after determining your billing address. Companies that are part of the supply chain are naturally exempted but must enter their VAT number which is verified against the European Union VAT number database for authenticity and to ensure the VAT number matches the information given to us during the order process. Citizens outside the European Union are not affected by these tax rules and therefore are not charged anything extra.

Mean Servers Limited participates in the MOSS system to report VAT collected. Our VAT number is EU826411791.
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